2023 Weekly Messages
December 2023
123123 PowerPoint
123123 Bulletin
Dec. 31:Â
Dec. 24 Morning Service:
Dec. 24 Candlelight Service:
122423 Bulletin: Morning Service
122423 PowerPoint: Morning Service
122423 Bulletin: Candlelight Service
122423 PowerPoint: Candlelight Service
121023 Bulletin
121023 PowerPoint
121723 Bulletin
121723 PowerPoint
Dec. 3: Clerk of Session Elizabeth LarsonÂ
120323 Bulletin
120323 PowerPoint
120323 Doug Wentworth Memorial Service Bulletin
121023 Wentworth Service PowerPoint
november 2023
Nov. 19: Clerk of Session Elizabeth Larson asks, "How Do You Invest Your Talents?"
Nov. 26: Clerk of Session Elizabeth Larson gives the sermon, "Awaiting the King."
111923 Bulletin
111923 PowerPoint
112623 Bulletin
112623 PowerPoint
Nov. 5: The Rev. Kent Webber gives the sermon, "Saying Thanks to God & People!"
Nov. 12: The Rev. Judy Slater speaks on the topic, "Closed Doors."
110523 Bulletin
110523 PowerPoint
111223 Bulletin
111223 PowerPoint
October 2023
102923 PowerPoint
102923 Bulletin
Oct. 29: Carol Dobusch led a special hymn sing service featuring five beloved traditional hymns.
Oct. 15: Clerk of Session Elizabeth Larson gives the sermon titled "The Wedding Crasher."
Oct. 22: Clerk of Session Elizabeth Larson speaks on the topic, "Kingdom Currency."
101523 Bulletin
101523 PowerPoint
102223 Bulletin
102223 PowerPoint
Oct. 1: Clerk of Session Elizabeth Larson speaks on the topic, "Temple Credentials."
Oct. 8: Guest speaker Rev. Judy Slater gives the sermon, "They Said What?"
100123 Bulletin
100123 PowerPoint
100823 Bulletin
100823 PowerPoint
september 2023
Sept. 17: Guest speaker Elizabeth Larson looks at John 3: 13-18 in a sermon titled “God Loves the World in This Way."
Sept. 24: Guest speaker Elizabeth Larson discusses Matthew 20:1-16 in a sermon titled, "The First, the Last, the Beloved."
091723 Bulletin
091723 PowerPoint
092423 Bulletin
092423 PowerPoint
Videos unavailable for the services on Sept. 3 and 10.
090323 Bulletin
090323 PowerPoint
091023 Bulletin
091023 PowerPoint
august 2023
Aug. 20:Â
Aug. 27:Â
082023 Bulletin
082023 PowerPoint
082723 Bulletin
082723 PowerPoint
Aug. 6: Guest speaker Elizabeth Larson speaks on the topic, "When Little Becomes Much."
Aug. 13:Â
080623 Bulletin
080623 PowerPoint
081323 Bulletin
081323 PowerPoint
juLY 2023
073023 Bulletin
073023 PowerPoint
July 30: Guest speaker Carol Dobusch speaks on the topic, "On Earth As It Is In Heaven," focusing on the Beatitudes in Matthew chapter 5.
July 16: Guest speaker Elizabeth Larson offers the message, "A Harvest Beyond Our Wildest Dreams," about the parable of the soils in Matthew Chapter 13.
July 23: Guest speaker Elizabeth Larson speaks on the topic, "Letting Them Grow Together," about the parable of the wheat and the weeds.
071623 Bulletin
071623 PowerPoint
072323 Bulletin
072323 PowerPoint
July 2: Guest speaker Elizabeth Larson speaks on "Starting Small."
July 9: The Rev. Judy Slater offers the message, "It Ain't No Yoke."
070223 Bulletin
070223 PowerPoint
070923 Bulletin
070923 PowerPoint
june 2023
June 18: Guest speaker Elizabeth Larson celebrates Father's Day with the message, "The Love of the Father"
June 25: Guest speaker Elizabeth Larson discusses "Following Jesus’ Roadmap"
061823 Bulletin
061823 PowerPoint
062523 Bulletin
062523 PowerPoint
June 4: Guest speaker Elizabeth Larson offers a sermon titled "Invited to Relationship with the Trinity."
June 11: The Rev. Judy Slater preaches the message, "More Than a Healing."
060423 Bulletin
060423 PowerPoint
061123 Bulletin
061123 PowerPoint
May 2023
May 21: Guest speaker Elizabeth Larson offers the message, "Glory from Before the World Began."
May 28: In celebration of Pentecost, guest speaker Elizabeth Larson speaks about "The Great Gift of the Spirit."
052123 Bulletin
052123 PowerPoint
052823 Bulletin
052823 PowerPoint
May 7: In the message "Showing Us the Father," guest speaker Elizabeth Larson discusses how Jesus shows us God's priorities and love for the world.
May 14: The Rev. Judy Slater preaches on Jesus, "An Advocate Always."
050723 Bulletin
050723 PowerPoint
051423 Bulletin
051423 PowerPoint
april 2023
043023 Bulletin
043023 PowerPoint
April 30: Guest speaker Carol Dobusch shares a message titled, "Spring Cleaning."
April 16: Guest speaker Elizabeth Larson shares a message about "The God Who Finds Us."
April 23: Guest Speaker Elizabeth Larson talks about being "On the Road with Jesus."
April 2: The Palm Sunday service explores being "Set Loose to Do the Lord's Work."
April 9: In celebration of Easter, guest speaker Elizabeth Larson shares the message, "Joy Comes in the Morning," which tells the story of Mary Magdalene, who believes all hope is lost when she encounters the Risen Savior at the tomb.
040223 Bulletin
040223 PowerPoint
040923 Bulletin
040923 PowerPoint
March 2023
March 19: Elizabeth Larson speaks about, "This Wide Open, Spacious Life."
March 26: Special guest the Rev. Shannon Kimbell-Auth preaches about the life of St. Patrick, and urges everyone to be the light.
031923 Bulletin
031923 PowerPoint
032623 Bulletin
032623 PowerPoint
March 5: Elizabeth Larson speaks on the topic, "The God Who Goes With Us."
March 12: Elizabeth Larson speaks about being "Ripe for Harvest."
030523 Bulletin
030523 PowerPoint
031223 Bulletin
031223 PowerPoint
February 2023
021923 Bulletin
021923 PowerPoint
Feb. 19: Pastor Terry Cara explores the topic, "Overcoming Worrying," and why we can put aside anxiety and trust in God.
Feb. 5: Fritz Lange asks, "Are You A Salty Christian?"
Feb. 12: Elizabeth Larson speaks about "Doing A New Thing" and Pastor Eric Beene leads the congregation in Communion.
020523 Bulletin
020523 PowerPoint
021223 Bulletin
021223 PowerPoint
January 2023
Jan. 22: Elizabeth Larson speaks about the Book of Isaiah in, "The Poetry of the Messiah."
Jan 29: Carol Dobusch gives the message, "One Stop At A Time."
012223 Bulletin
012223 PowerPoint
012923 Bulletin
012923 PowerPoint
Jan. 8: Pastor Eric Beene discusses the journey of the Magi and discusses the topic of "Traveling Together."
Jan. 15: Pastor Terry Cara discussses Isaiah 43 and shares the message, "A New Thing."
010823 Bulletin
010823 PowerPoint
011523 Bulletin
011523 PowerPoint
010123 Bulletin
010123 PowerPoint
Jan. 1: Join Kelseyville Presbyterian Church for its New Year's Day service. Guest speaker Elizabeth Larson gives the message, "Gabriel's Pause, or Saying Yes to God's Plan."